French Word for Today: Caviarder

French Word for Today: Caviarder

Caviarder – transitive verb

I came across an article in Le Monde about a scanner used to further delve into letters that Marie-Antoinette had secretly exchanged with Axel von Fersen, a Swedish Count rumored to be the queen’s lover. Their correspondence took place around the time of the French Revolution. Their letters were originally revealed to the world by Swedish Baron Rudolf Maurits von Klinckowström in 1877.

Parts of their communications had long been redacted, censored or caviardé, but new scanning technology revealed the sweet words of regret that von Fersen wrote to his friend (or more?) in October 1791: “Adieu my good friend, I will never stop loving you.”* Their words to each other, some kept a secret for centuries, were further revealed by modern technology. Know that, even if you are royalty, you probably can’t take your secrets to the grave, at least not forever.

*Adieu ma bonne amie, jamais je ne cesserai de vous adorer.

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